The Power of Resilience During COVID-19

心理学  メンタルヘルス  執筆者_スタンレー・H・グリーン 

大澤 千恵


The Power of Resilience During COVID-19 

We know that throughout our lives, the ability to bounce back quickly from personal and business adversities is critically important.
We all go through adverse situations from time to time.
However, every person around the world is experiencing a common adversity.
The adversity is the COVID-19 global pandemic.
The medical advisories around the world are consistent.
Many businesses are forced to cease operations, resulting in millions of job layoffs.
For those are able to work, they are ordered to do their work from home.
If people leave their homes to shop or exercise, they are expected to wear face coverings and practice social distancing.
Schools are closed in many towns and cities, and children are forced to be home schooled by their parents.
In the resilience training provided by The Resilience School, a division of Japan Positive Psychology Association (JPPA), there are seven Inner Strengths, such that if strengthened, helps us bounce back from any adversity faster. Billions of people around the world have had to tap into these inner strengths during the pandemic. As I take you through a few of the inner strengths, think of how you have grown in the development of these strengths almost by default:

1.Emotion Regulation (the ability to stay calm under pressure)

The common message that many world leaders have communicated consistently is to stay calm.
In addition to the pandemic, people who can’t earn an income are facing anxiety associated with paying bills and helping their families. To stay calm, work on your deep breathing and meditation.
This will help you to have a clear head as you think about solutions. 

2.Optimism (the view that all things will ultimately have a successful outcome)

As we stay calm, we are also reminded by our leaders that we will get through this pandemic, and that we will be stronger for the experience.
We have been challenged to focus on successful and meaningfuloutcomes, as opposed to dwelling on the tens of thousands of deaths globally.
To improve our optimism, we should focus on the positive by putting the pandemic, and all things, into their proper perspective.
One exercise to try is, before going to bed, write down three good things that happened during the day.
Doing this every night will help you to focus more on positive thoughts and occurrences vs. the negative.

3.Reaching Out(taking the initiative to connect with others and take action
when faced with setbacks and challenges)

「One of the most powerful acts we have seen around the world is that despite the shelter in place and social distancing guidelines issued during the global pandemic, people have taken the initiative to find creative ways to connect.
Video conferencing platforms, while in existence for a few years, have now seen a significant increase in usage.
Businesses that have enabled their people to work from home, have utilized these platforms to continue the meetings that they would otherwise have in person.
Families and other groups are using the technology to connect in ways that they never thought was possible.
In addition, people are finding ways to have graduations, weddings, and other celebrations while staying within the guidelines necessary to be safe.
To be effective in reaching out, challenge any belief which suggests that you are limited in what can be accomplished when faced with an obstacle.
Surround yourself with people who will help you think differently and creatively about any challenge.

Those are just three of the seven inner strengths of resilience which are currently in play during the global pandemic.
These strengths are also necessary for any adversity we experience in our professional and our personal lives.
To learn about more inner strengths, as well as the seven skills necessary to build those strengths, look out for the resilience training being conducted by JPPA’s Resilience School every year)


一般社団法人日本ポジティブ心理学協会 レジリエンススクール共同創立者
PowerThinking Corp.株式会社 代表取締役社長

ペンシルベニア大学卒業後、アメリカ電気通信(テレコミュニケーション、インターネット・ケーブルテレビ事業等)の大手企業数社で、25年以上にわたりCEOやCOO等の要職を歴任。ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィアにおいて初のケーブルネットワークの立ち上げに参画。ペンシルベニア州財務省で国務副財務官として勤務後、個人と組織の繁栄を支援する人材開発会社、PowerThinking Corp.株式会社を設立。



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